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CORAL Mission

The CORAL program's mission is to improve the academic achievement of young people through out-of-school programs by involving students, families, schools, and community-based organizations.

The CORAL Expanded Learning Program endeavors to close the achievement gap through intensive literacy instructions and engaging enrichment activities

CORAL at Franklin

Franklin CORAL (Communities Organizing Resources to Advance Learning) is a 1st-5th grade expanded learning program. CORAL Program Components that include the following: Common Core aligned Literacy (Read Aloud, Writing, Vocabulary, Independent Reading), Homework Support (Daily Logs available for parents to review), Organized Enrichment Activities (Physical Activity, STEM, Clubs) and Nutritious Supper and Snack for CORAL Scholars.

Days and Times of Operation

Monday through Friday from 2:45 PM to 6:00 PM

Thursday: Early Release Day - 1:35 PM to 6:00 PM

How to Apply

Students must be referred to the CORAL Program by the principal or his/her teacher. The school staff will fill out a referral form. If space is available, the site manager will contact the parents/guardians to start with the enrollment process. Completing the registration form and submitting a one-time payment of $80.

Special Events

Halloween Carnival: October 25th

Winter Wonderland Family Event: December 13th

Tech Challenge (4th & 5th Grade): March 30th

Easter Egg Hunt/Carnival: April 18th

For questions or comments, contact:

Paula Lara

Franklin CORAL Site Manager